About Us


Egolisquash Youth Empowerment (EYE), is a holistic development program that focuses  on empowering and enabling young people to positively contribute to the upliftment of their  community, and society at large.

We are involved in communities where households are struggling with high unemployment rates,  unstable family units, and youth who are exposed to environments with crime and violence nearly  every day of their lives.

By providing a platform to engage these vulnerable and precious members of our communities, we  seek to challenge conventional approaches to problem solving in these communities, and practically  enable the youth to constructively invest in their communities.

Our passion lies in ensuring that both girls and boys from disadvantaged communities have the  chance to have fun, while learning the skills necessary to reach their goals and positively contribute  to their communities.

Additionally, we have established a board of control to ensure the continuity of the programme  through sound financial and governance structures. The Directors are all involved on a voluntary  basis and give of their time and expertise. They are David Barrow, Lesley Cowan, Barry Hendriks,  Glenn Lazarus, Kelvin Ndhlovu and Craig Van Der Wath.

“EgoliSquash is the outreach and mass participation program  of Joburg Squash.”